Headed For The Slammer

Posted 30 January 2013
Photo by John Rossino

US Customs and Border Protection P-3 crews based in Jacksonville, Florida, assisted in the seizure of more than 3,800 pounds of cocaine valued at nearly $130 million in January 2013. On 17 January, a P-3 crew operating near the Galapagos Islands spotted a vessel towing four smaller boats. US Navy personnel intercepted the vessel and recovered roughly 800 pounds of cocaine worth more than $28 million. On 21 January, a P-3 crew detected a go-fast vessel off Panama loaded with contraband. The crew coordinated with Panamanian law enforcement and approximately 3,000 pounds of cocaine valued at $100 million was seized. In FY 2012, the CBP P-3 crews disrupted more than 117,000 pounds of cocaine valued at about $8.76 billion.

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