Super Hercules 250

Posted 2 November 2011
Photo by Damien A. Guarnieri

The 250th C-130J Super Hercules transport was rolled out in ceremonies at the Lockheed Martin facility in Marietta, Georgia, on 2 November 2011. This Super Hercules, which will carry US Air Force serial No. 08-5684, will be delivered to the 317th Airlift Group at Dyess AFB, Texas, after it is paint and undergoes initial airworthiness tests. The 317th AG will eventually receive twenty-eight C-130Js. This aircraft is the 2,404th C-130 of all makes and models to be built in Marietta since 1954. Super Hercules are in production for the US Air Force and Marine Corps, Iraq, Israel, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Oman, and Tunisia. C-130Js are also flown by Australia, Canada, Denmark, Italy, Norway, and the United Kingdom and by the US Coast Guard.
